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Test Rabbi's Blog

04/19/2024 08:57:04 AM


The Shabbat before Passover is known as Shabbat HaGadol, the Great Shabbat. It was known as a day when a Big Sermon was given. In part, because it wasRead more...

Yom Kippur: Teshuvah & Creating Spiritual Community

10/05/2022 09:14:25 PM


Rabbi Minster

What does it mean to stand before God and freely admit the sins we committed? Sins we committed with indifference and those we did with forethought?


In the Bible, there are three forms of sin. These are included in the...Read more...

Kol Nidre: the dark night of the soul

10/05/2022 09:06:39 PM


Rabbi Minster

I am wearing a kittel today because I am practicing for my physical death. 


When we fast on Yom Kippur, we do so to focus on our prayers and the...Read more...

This time of Truth, Brokenness, Teshuvah, & Apologies

09/27/2022 06:49:05 PM


Rabbi Minster

Rosh HaShanah Sermon, 5783.

Shanah Tovah

Welcome to 5783. It is my deepest honor to be with you today as we open our hearts to the Truth that pulses through our souls. I’d like to take you on a Rosh HaShanah journey.

First, I’ll give you a little insight into how I’ve prepared for today. I’ll provide an example about how I...Read more...

 Avinu Malkeinu: Our Parent, Our Sovereign.

09/27/2022 06:03:30 PM


Rabbi Minster

Erev Rosh HaShanah Sermon, 5783.

Shanah Tovah. It is hard to express just how overwhelming this moment is for me. Like many of you, I’ve had a tenuous relationship with organized Judaism. Most of my life, listening to a rabbi was my least favorite part of the service. It’s just so easy to argue with the...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784