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High Holy Day Guest Registration

High Holy Day Tickets are complimentary.
If you would like to make a contribution to our Temple you may do so towards the bottom of form.
Thank you. L'Shana Tovah!

There is no mask requirement for attending Temple Israel of Alameda High Holy Day services.
Food will be served at the end of some services.

While the rate of transmission is significantly lower than in previous years, the airborne COVID-19 virus is still circulating in our community. You are welcome to wear a well-fitting respirator or attend our services online if you choose. 


If you would like to make a donation to Temple Israel to help cover the cost of our services, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. Enter an amount here and when you submit the form, payment processing will appear. Donations made here will go exclusively towards special services & programs related to the High Holy Days. Thank you. 
Rosh Hashanah Buffet Lunch
   Adults - $15.00 - 130 of 150 Left
   Childen Ages 0-9 - $5.00 - 146 of 150 Left
Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784